Guests unlimited…….. at the Wetland!

Migratory Bids - Mixed flock of Coots, Gadwall, Common Pochard, Ferrugenous Ducks, Tufted ducks, Weigons, Shovellers etc seen in wetland.

It all started when…

Scores of people have traveled past the Madhya Ganga barrage at Bijnor in western Uttar Pradesh over the last three decades, casually appreciating the birds and the Ganga river. But one such visitor in 2013, Ashish Loya, not just noticed the beauty but also set out to explore the upstream of the barrage where there lay a large wetland. For almost two years, he regularly visited various parts of the wetland, with each visit rekindling Loya’s childhood passion for birding. Loya, who now lives in Bijnor, around 10 kilometres away from the wetland, visits it almost every day. Haiderpur wetland is one of the largest human-made wetland that was formed in 1984 after the construction of Madhya Ganga Barrage. The region is fed by the Ganges and its tributary Solani river, constituting an area of 6900 hectare within the Hastinapur Wildlife Sanctuary in Muzaffarnagar and Bijnor districts. The wetland lies in the strategic Central Asian Flyway which is as an important stop over site for the winter migratory birds.


Bird species

The wetland is home to over 290 species of birds, which includes many globally threatened species. Commonly observed avian species includes, PartridgeQuailPeafowlPigeonFalconHawkSpot-billed duckCraneEagleOwlWhite vulture, Cuckoo & Nightangale. KingfisherMynaRed-vented bulbulSparrowBaya weaver among others are also found in abundance in the wetland.

Other fauna

Among the mammals, LeopardWildcatsMonkeysFoxWolfNilgaiJackalMongooseHoney badgerBarasinghaWild boars, RabbitsMuskrats and Bats inhabit the wetland and surrounding sanctuary region. Reptiles such as, Monitor lizardPythonIndian cobraKrait and Viper are found in large numbers. A significant population of Gharial and many rare amphibian species are observed in the wetland and the adjoining Ganga river basin.

Conservation Status

Following the conservation efforts of wildlife activists and local community, the wetland is recognized as a potential Ramsar site. The World Wide Fund for Nature and the government have initiated several schemes for the conservation and management of Haiderpur wetland.


Savitar Tours is committed towards contributing to this community project by helping preserve the natural wetlands, recruiting locals as birders/ guides by working in co-operation with Ashish, an Art of Living volunteer from Bijnor who himself is a keen birder. Since 2013, Ashish has coordinated with the Forest Department and local administration and got many improvements done at the wetland, such as putting up watch towers, establishing a forest check post and making an entry gate charging fees to the visitors. There is still more to be done to preserve the Wetlands and keep the local communities involved in the conservation efforts. Savitar encourages its partners and customers to contribute to this cause. Together we can make a difference to this small community tucked away in the small town of Uttar Pradesh, India. Contact us for more information on how you can support. Using Zelle you can email your donation to