argentina: argentinE MARVELS - 9 DAYS
buenos aires - el calafate - iguazu falls - buenos aires

Iguazu Falls

Iguazu Falls

2021/2022 itinerary & prices

Arrival and greeting at the International Airport. Transfer in to the chosen hotel. Accommodation. Overnight at the hotel.
Argenta Towers Buenos Aires (4 Star) or Intercontinental Buenos Aires Hotel (5 Star)

Breakfast. On an unforgettable route, we will live all the porteño magic. These few hours feature all the magic of Argentina`s capital city. In this most complete overview of the Paris of South America we will visit the glamorous neighborhoods of Recoleta and its most famous cemetery, Palermo, May Square and the Pink House, the Metropolitan Cathedral, the newest & trendiest Puerto Madero Area and many other emblematic buildings and palaces of unique architectural, historical, and cultural value. The visit would not be complete without the sights of the first settlements of the city of Buenos Aires. The pintoresque neighborhood of San Telmo, residence to the porteño aristocracy until the end of the XIX century and where the renowned antiques market is held every Sunday; Caminito Street, in the colorful, Italian immigrants neighborhood of La Boca.  Return to hotel and time at leisure. Accommodation. Overnight at the hotel.

Breakfast. Day at leisure. We recommend to take the Tigre and Delta tour. Overnight at the hotel.

Breakfast. Transfer to the airport to take the flight to El Calafate. Reception at the airport and transfer to the chosen hotel. Accommodation. Overnight at the hotel. Design Suites Calafate (4 Star) or Xelena Hotel Calafate (5 Star).

Breakfast. At the scheduled time, departure for the full day tour: Glaciar Perito Moreno. From El Calafate to the Glacier Perito Moreno, the distance is 80 km. At the beginning of the route, to the right of the road you will be able to see the Argentino Lake and its Redonda Bay. During the first 40 km the patagonian steppe dominates the landscape, but then, at the National Park entrance, it is possible to observe how the vegetation changes into ñires, cherry trees, lengas, and flowers. The tour finishes in the walkways, which have an extension of 4 km and are constituted by stairs that descend until approaching about 300 m from the front of the glacier. Return to the hotel. Accommodation. Overnight at the hotel.

Breakfast. Day at leisure. We recommend to take the Ice Rivers Express Tour. Accommodation. Overnight at the hotel.

Breakfast. Transfer to the airport to take the flight to Iguazú. Reception and transfer to the chosen hotel. Accommodation. Overnight at the hotel. Yvy Lodge de Selva (4 Star) or Iguazu Grand Hotel (5 Star).

Breakfast. At the agreed time departure to take the excursion to Argentinian Waterfalls. Part of the excursion through the Iguazú National Park is done with the Ecological Train of the Jungle. With this, we will travel between the different traditional circuits that have to be covered on foot: Lower Circuit, Superior Circuit and “La Garganta del Diablo”. Lower Circuit: it is composed of a set of strategically designed walkways that allow the most diverse views of the Falls and an intimate encounter with the waterfalls and enchanting corners of the jungle. Superior Walk: this circuit allows access to the panoramic views of the Falls from the Upper Iguazú River. To complement this excursion, we suggest to optionally take the Great Adventure, an excursion that allows the approach to the Falls. “Garganta del Diablo”: in this circuit, it is possible to see the fascinating landscape that shows the islands and coasts of the Iguazú River before arriving at the Devil's Throat, the most imposing and beautiful fall of the Iguazú Falls. This waterfall, shaped like a horseshoe, is 150 m wide and 80 m high; is surrounded by clouds of steam formed by the great flow of water that hits breaking the river bed. The swifts, are a fundamental part of this landscape, birds that rest on the stones behind the falls of water. Accommodation. Overnight at the hotel.

Breakfast. At the agreed time departure in the morning to take the excursion of Brazilian Falls. At the beginning we will visit the traditional walkway with the wonderful views. The extension of the runways is 1200 m from where you get a spectacular panoramic view of the 275 jumps that make up the Iguazú Falls, of which on the Brazilian side there are four: “Floriano”, “Deodoro”, “Benjamín Constant” and “Salto Unión” or “Garganta del Diablo”. Once the tour finishes, the panoramic elevator will allow us to reach the bus that will leave us again in the access portal. Departure to the local airport to take your flight. End of our services.

2021/2022 Prices based on minimum of two person traveling using:
4 Star hotels
May 15, 2021 to Feb 28, 2022 $ 1,100 per person

5 Star hotels
May 15, 2021 to Feb 28, 2022 $ 1,528 per person

Single room supplement is extra and is available upon request.
Internal airfare is extra and price will be available at the time of booking.


  • Shared arrival transfer with guide. 

  • Shared departure transfer without guide.

  • Meals as indicated on the itinerary.

  • Hotel accommodation as listed or similar.

  • Entrance fee to all the destinations mentioned on the itinerary.


• Personal expenses, International & internal airfare, Visa fees
• Customary gratitude to your guide and driver.