AIRFARE INCLUED: Kenya Classic Safari 8 Days
JFK - Nairobi - Masai Mara National Reserve - Lake Nakuru - Amboseli National Park - Nairobi - JFK

From the open plains of Masai Mara, the shimmery pink waters of Lake Nakuru and the swamps of Amboseli, this safari takes in three of the most picturesque regions in Kenya. It also provides the perfect opportunity to spot the Big-5 and to capture some diverse scenery.


Day 1 Depart JFK

Day 2 Nairobi

Upon arrival into Nairobi, clients will be met and transferred to Eka Hotel. Afternoon at leisure. Overnight at the Eka Hotel in a Superior room on a bed and breakfast basis. 
(Check in time is 2pm approx. and will be adhered to. Clients arriving in the middle of the night must book a pre-night as they will not be permitted to wait in the hotel lobby for check-in at 2pm.)

Suggested Optional Nairobi Excursions for Early morning arrivals (clients will be transferred to Eka Hotel on arrival for breakfast on own arrangements and then continue with the excursion).
Daphne Sheldricks Excursion 
Out of Africa Excursion 
These options are at an additional cost

Day 3 Nairobi - Masai Mara National Reserve (BLD)
Leaving Nairobi after breakfast, you travel towards Kenya's fertile highlands and head down the rift escarpment on the road built by Italian prisoners of war during World War II. On the way spot the charming chapel built at the foot of the escarpment. Pass the impressive Longonot earth satellite station as you head across the valley to Narok; continue your travels across acres of wheat and barley, before reaching the Masai Mara in time for lunch. Following lunch set off on your first game drive, returning to the lodge as the sun sets.
Overnight at Keekorok Lodge on a full board basis.

Day 4 Masai Mara National Reserve (BLD)

Following an early breakfast, depart on a morning game drive, returning to the camp mid-morning. After lunch, and perhaps a siesta, set off on another game drive and visit to the Masai Village, returning to the lodge as the sunsets. (It is possible to pre-book an optional early morning Balloon Safari). Overnight at Keekorok Lodge on a full board basis.

Day 5 Masai Mara – Lake Nakuru (BLD)
Leaving the Masai Mara after breakfast, travel across the ‘breadbasket’ of Kenya, where acres of wheat and barley litter the landscape as you head north to Narok, the district headquarters of this part of Maasai land. Now travel across the vast plains on the floor of the Rift Valley, keeping an eye out for herds of giraffe and gazelle as you head up the Mai -Mahiu, before arriving at Lake Nakuru around midday. Once in the park, view game en route to the lodge. Following lunch and a siesta, there is an afternoon game drive returning to the lodge as the sun sets. The national park, known for its bird life, offers a possibility to view flamingos. It is also home to Black and White rhinos as well as the endangered Rothschild Giraffe. Overnight at Lake Nakuru Lodge on a full board basis.

Day 6 Lake Nakuru - Amboseli National Park (BLD)

Following an early breakfast, continue to Lake Naivasha for a boat ride. Leaving the Rift Valley behind, proceed to Nairobi for an early lunch (or picnic lunch dependent on road conditions) and continue south towards Amboseli, arriving at your lodge by late afternoon.
Overnight at Ol Tukai Lodge on a full board basis.

Day 7 Amboseli National Park (BLD)
Morning and afternoon game drives in Amboseli, returning to the lodge as the sun sets.Overnight at Ol Tukai Lodge on a full board basis.

Day 8 Amboseli – Nairobi (B)
Following an early breakfast, catch your last views of the majestic Mount Kilimanjaro as you depart Amboseli. From here turn north across the beautiful and seemingly never ending Athi Plains, arriving in Kenya's bustling capital city of Nairobi by mid-day. Once in the city, clients will be dropped off at the drop off point in the city center or at the airport for ongoing travel arrangements.

Day 9 Arrive JFK

2022 Prices based on two person traveling

  Tour only Tour + Airfare
Dates Price Dates Price

Jan 09-Jan 15 $2,367 Jan 08-Jan 15 $2,967
Jan 16-Jan 22 $2,367 Jan 15-Jan 22 $2,967
Jan 23-Jan 29 $2,367 Jan 22-Jan 29 $2,967
Jan 30-Feb 05 $2,367 Jan 29-Feb 05 $2,967
Feb 06-Feb 12 $2,367 Feb 05-Feb 12 $2,967
Feb 13-Feb 19 $2,367 Feb 12-Feb 19 $2,967
Feb 20-Feb 26 $2,367 Feb 19-Feb 26 $2,967
Feb 27-Mar 05 $2,367 Feb 26-Mar 05 $2,967
Mar 06-Mar 12 $2,304 Mar 05-Mar 12 $2,904
Mar 13-Mar 19 $2,304 Mar 12-Mar 19 $2,904
Mar 20-Mar 26 $2,304 Mar 19-Mar 26 $2,904
Mar 27-Apr 02 $2,304 Mar 26-Apr 02 $2,904
Apr 03-Apr 09 $2,135 Apr 02-Apr 09 $2,735
Apr 10-Apr 16 $2,202 Apr 09-Apr 16 $2,802
Apr 17-Apr 23 $2,269 Apr 16-Apr 23 $2,869
Apr 24-Apr 30 $2,135 Apr 23-Apr 30 $2,735
May 01-May 07 $2,135 Apr 30-May 07 $2,735
May 08-May 14 $2,135 May 07-May 14 $2,735
May 15-May 21 $2,135 May 14-May 21 $2,735
May 22-May 28 $2,135 May 21-May 28 $2,735
May 29-Jun 04 $2,135 May 28-Jun 04 $2,735
Jun 05-Jun 11 $2,135 Jun 04-Jun 11 $2,735
Jun 12-Jun 18 $2,135 Jun 11-Jun 18 $2,735
Jun 19-Jun 25 $2,574 Jun 18-Jun 25 $3,174
Jun 26-Jul 02 $2,574 Jun 25-Jul 02 $3,174
Jul 03-Jul 09 $2,574 Jul 02-Jul 09 $3,174
Jul 10-Jul 16 $2,574 Jul 09-Jul 16 $3,174
Jul 17-Jul 23 $2,574 Jul 16-Jul 23 $3,174
Jul 24-Jul 30 $2,574 Jul 23-Jul 30 $3,174
Jul 31-Aug 06 $2,574 Jul 30-Aug 06 $3,174
Aug 07-Aug 13 $2,574 Aug 06-Aug 13 $3,174
Aug 14-Aug 20 $2,574 Aug 13-Aug 20 $3,174
Aug 21-Aug 27 $2,574 Aug 20-Aug 27 $3,174
Aug 28-Sep 03 $2,574 Aug 27-Sep 03 $3,174
Sep 04-Sep 10 $2,574 Sep 03-Sep 10 $3,174
Sep 11-Sep 17 $2,574 Sep 10-Sep 17 $3,174
Sep 18-Sep 24 $2,574 Sep 17-Sep 24 $3,174
Sep 25-Oct 01 $2,574 Sep 24-Oct 01 $3,174
Oct 02-Oct 08 $2,574 Oct 01-Oct 08 $3,174
Oct 09-Oct 15 $2,574 Oct 08-Oct 15 $3,174
Oct 16-Oct 22 $2,574 Oct 15-Oct 22 $3,174
Oct 23-Oct 29 $2,574 Oct 22-Oct 29 $3,174
Oct 30-Nov 05 $2,574 Oct 29-Nov 05 $3,174
Nov 06-Nov 12 $2,223 Nov 05-Nov 12$2,823
Nov 13-Nov 19 $2,223 Nov 12-Nov 19 $2,823
Nov 20-Nov 26 $2,223 Nov 19-Nov 26 $2,823
Nov 27-Dec 03 $2,223 Nov 26-Dec 03 $2,823
Dec 04-Dec 10 $2,223 Dec 03-Dec 10 $2,823
Dec 11-Dec 17 $2,577 Dec 10-Dec 17 $3,177
Dec 18-Dec 24 $2,577 Dec 17-Dec 24 $3,177
Dec 25-Dec 31 $2,978 Dec 24-Dec 31 $3,578
Jan 01-Jan 07 $2,644 Dec 31-Jan 07 $3,244

Single room supplement is extra. Please contact us for Single travel alone and Single room supplement.


  • Includes airfare & taxes from JFK

  • Meet & Greet services along with airport arrival transfers.

  • Accommodation as listed or similar.

  • All meals from breakfast on day 2 through breakfast on day 7

  • Shared 4x4 safari vehicle with up to 7 passengers

  • Guaranteed window seat

  • Pop-up game hatch

  • English speaking or bi-lingual driver-guide

  • Daily bottled water on game drives

  • Park entry and conservation fees

  • Government taxes and VAT

Balloon ride, Any personal expense, Visa fee, Travel Insurance, Gratuities and any other services not listed on the itinerary.